If this is your first time trying to Data Recovery, we know the procedure. You have browsed the web and many people have told you that you can recover your data. And an equal number of people insisted that you couldn’t.

The solid state drive (SSD) is a true marvel in the world of data storage. With no mechanical parts and laser-like read and write speeds, SSDs are popular in laptops, game consoles and supercomputers.

However, the problem of Data Recovery deletion remains. What happens if you accidentally delete critical data from your SSD?

In this case, many users rely on Data Recovery software to recover their files. However, in a market flooded with data recovery software offered by different service providers, how do you choose the best one?

When valuable data is lost or becomes inaccessible, it is not permanently deleted from SSD. Deleting files basically changes the file system making it impossible for the Windows operating system to locate the file. Chances are your files are still there, but Windows no longer has the card to reach them.

Typically, files are stored as a series of blocks denoted by 0s and 1s. When deleting a file, the computer simply deletes the file entry instead of erasing each 0 or 1. Therefore, the operating system looks for these empty spaces and overwrites new Twitter data there.

Data recovery software helps restore data by looking for signs of old files residing in these empty spaces (which are just marked as empty but may very well contain the old files).