When you erase a file on Android device, it is not actually deleted. It is still present on the internal disk but inaccessible to the system. Fortunately, plenty of utilities are available to Data Recovery such deleted files.

When you delete a file by mistake in Android , there are many ways to Data Recovery it. We will see an example with a photography.

What happens in practice is that the file is no longer listed by android as a file accessible from a application such as Gallery (Photos and Videos) or Play Music (music tracks).

Files accessible by the user are listed by the Android system in a file allocation table. When the file is erased, it is the index pointing to the location of this Data Recovery file on the storage medium that is erased or moved from the table. 

The processor is therefore no longer able to locate said file. However, it is still present on the storage medium and can therefore be recovered by various tools.

As soon as Android knows that a file has been “deleted”, it is able to recover the corresponding space to store other files. However, if you intervene within a reasonably short time after such an erasure, or if you have used your tablet little, chances are that the erased file is still there.