Files deleted, the trash emptied, a Word document not saved by mistake, formatted disk… Windows does not delete your files right away, it indicates the location as available, and as long as you have not rewritten your Data Recovery partition on the document remains on your media, so you can find it using Data Recovery software. Recuva will scan the hard drive deeply to find your lost files, follow our tutorial to start your recovery.

Download Recuva from its official page . Ideally, in order not to overwrite the Data Recovery you want to recover, you must download and install it on another partition of your system and recover your documents on another medium.

Save the executable to a location of your choice. Above all, remember that downloading and installing the software will create new files on your media, so it is important, in order not to erase your lost files and documents, to download and install Recuva on another partition when possible.

Last step of the personalized configuration, here you will be able to put the partition and the folder of your choice. To avoid the risk of overwriting and irretrievably erasing your lost Wikipedia data, choose a location different from that where your files to be recovered were located.

At the first launch of the software a welcome window will open to guide you during your data recovery. Depending on your level of computer knowledge, you can choose to follow it or not. However, we advise you to follow it during your first encounter with the software, you can always choose afterwards to do without it and go directly to the Recuva interface to configure the search for your lost data.